Dutch Military Aggression I and the Efforts to Destroy the Basis of the Sages

Dutch Military Aggression I and the Efforts to Destroy the Basis of the Sages

Moderatemuslime.blogspot.co.id - 70 years ago, by Christ, July 25, 1947 (7 Ramadan 1366 H), KH. M. Hashim Ash'ari died. The cause, among others, heart attacks that start from a sense of shock mixed sad news of the fall of Malang city into the hands of the Netherlands. In the movie Sang Kiai (2013), the seconds of the death of Kiai Hasyim is described in detail.

The city of Malang, which was the last stronghold and the strongest base of the Hezbollah and Sabilillah militia, eventually fell on the fifth day of the Dutch Military Aggression I. The santri militia defended the city desperately. Many martyrs fall in battle at various points of the city. Thus, in the future, the Sabilillah Mosque was built to commemorate the militia services of these kiai.

Pakde, Pak Matrai (his father Mbak Trisnaning and Mbak Dian Qies Dian) at that time Hizbullah members, fought in front of this Malang, eventually retreated to the south, then guerrillas in the south east, then rotate through Lumajang until arriving in Jember. (He peenah story if many of his comrades who were killed by airplane shortly after seizing a post belonging to the Netherlands).

By launching a military action codenamed "Operatie Product", the Dutch violate the Linggarjati Agreement casually. This action involves several brutal elite military units such as Special Troepen Corps (KST) - Kopassus of the Netherlands - assigned to the East Sumatra, East Java and Central Java areas. A tactical goal, mastering natural resource bags such as plantations, strategic industries such as sugar mills, and abundant logistics areas.

Strategically, this military operation is intentionally executed in the month of Ramadan 1366 H, when Muslims worship. More focused, which the Dutch wanted to destroy was not the Indonesian government (as happened in the Dutch Military Aggression II in Yogyakarta, December 1948), but the base of the strength of local militias. Especially Hizbullah and Sabilillah, because East Java is the main base of these two forces.
Another landmark, although officially this miter operation was run from 21 July to 5 August 1947, but the Dutch troop movement became less and less after the end of operations, even until early 1948.

When viewed on the map of the Dutch troop movement, they deliberately moved in the countryside, on the rural basis of the santri. And, in fact many boarding schools are burned on this military aggression and the kiai are also many who died in these moments. For example, KH. Abdullah Sajjad Assyarqawy, PP caregiver. Annuqayah Guluk-Guluk, who died with his troops on December 3, 1947 (20 Muharram 1367 H). In Situbondo, Dutch troops stormed the PP. Salafiyah Syafiiyah Sukorejo, the care of KH. Syamsul Arifin. His son who later became a national hero, KH. Asad Syamsul Arifin, chose guerrilla in the horseshoe area.

In Jember, there are some pesantren that are "examined" by the Dutch. The closest to my home, PP. Mabda-ul Maarif became the second target after the PP. Assunniyyah Kencong became the previous target. Combing west, Lumajang, the Netherlands was then ambushed by an army of TNI led by a cleric, Captain Kiai Ilyas. The last name fell and its name was immortalized as the name of one of the streets in the town of Lumajang.

Caregivers Ponpes Sidogiri, KH. Abdul Djalil, also became martyrs after being pounded by an army of Dutch when performing dawn prayers. In phase 1947-1948, please check, many pesantren are victims of the savagery of the Dutch (more brash again, PKI and FDR stabbed from behind in September 1948).

The result of Military Aggression I and II is taken from the perspective of santri by KH. Saifuddin Zuhri in his two memoirs, "My Guru Pesantren" (LKiS: 2001) and "Departing from Pesantren" (LKiS: 2012). In this book we will find how the scholars, among others KH. A. Wahid Hasyim, fostering telescope network in East Java to the interior of Central Java; KH. Masjkur and the network of the Ministry of Religious Affairs who continue to run President Sukarno's mandate to serve the community amid the limitations of infrastructure; To the anecdotes of the santri in the middle of war.

Military aggression I was then followed by the Dutch by holding "Operation Crow" on December 18, 1948 which focus on the control of the capital of Indonesia in Yogyakarta as well as arrest the leaders of Indonesia. An attempt to eliminate the still-panting republic of the PKI-FDR act in Madiun, September 1948. A year later, the complexity increased again on August 7, 1949, SM Kartosuwiryo declared Darul Islam / Army of Islam Indonesia.

Wallahu A'lam bisshawab

Dishare from Rijal Mumazziq Z

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