Do you know? The Sultans of the Archipelago The majority of Tariqhah's allegiance - Sultanate of Aceh heavily influenced Syattariah (via Syaikh Abdurrauf Singkel), Banten era of Sultan Ageng Khalwatiyah (influenced Syekh Yusuf Maqassari), in the Sultanate of Pontianak and Palembang influenced Alawiyah (sadat Ba'alawi Sada many vital occupying government posts), Buton Sultanate and the Sultanate of Gowa dominant Khalwatiyah.

The Tarekat Sammaniyah is present in the elite sultanate of Banjar. Prince Antasari even perpetuate the name of the founder of this tarekat in the name of his son, Muhammad Saman, who later became the Sultan of Banjar until in 1905.

In an email dated August 15, 2015, Oman Fathurrahman, philologist UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, explained to Peter Carey, that Queen Ageng, great-grandmother of Prince Diponegoro, was an adherent of the Order Syattariyah.

According to Oman, based on research on Jav script. 69 [Lineage Syattariyah] of Colin Mackenzie collection at the British Library, London, Queen Ageng - called 'Kangjeng Queen Duchy' in naskah-- mentioned in the four temple as a devotee who has a direct linkage with the main mursyid Tarekat Syattariyah in West Java , Shaykh Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan (1640-1715) through four genealogies of scholars.

Another sultanate members are referred to as adherents Syattariyah was the Empress Hamengkubuwono II (reigned 1792-1810 / 1811-1812 / 1826-8), Queen Mas, and his father Prince Pakuningrat, menak descent who is married with children Mataram Pakubuwono II (reigned 1726-1749) And Ratu Alit from Kertasura.

Pakuningrat was baptized in Syattariyah by Kiai Abdullah (Kiai Muhammad Kastuba) from the Alang-Alang Ombo Pesantren in Bagelen. In addition, other nobles who became the Syattariyah walker is Raden Ayu Kilen, concubine Hamengkubuwono II.
Then, who was Queen Ageng who became the starting point at the beginning of this status? He is Prince Diponegoro's great grandmother. The mighty woman was Hamengkubuwono I's wife. She accompanied her husband while guerrilla in the Giyanti War. Queen Ageng is far from the impression of Javanese women are graceful. Because, besides the famous love of science because it is the grandson of Ki Ageng Sulaiman Bekel Jamus, he also has a strong military talent genetic heritage Sultan Abdul Qahir, Bima. Under the command of Ratu Ageng, Estri Warriors corps of female warriors progressed.

Later, a few years before the Java War, the Esther's Warriors corps made its European envoys gawk and amazed as they watched the girls' horseracing skills riding horses, firing salvo shots, and precision shooting.

If people see that the tradition of students Diponegoro influenced by the connection of the scholars pathok village and the soldiers of Hajj corps Suranatan, I actually saw a bright spot in the hands of great-daughter, Queen Ageng, who take care of Raden Mas Mustahar, forename prince since Age seven.

Under the care of his great-grandmother, since the young the prince has been accustomed to the tradition of santri. He is kept away from the palace that has been exposed to the pollution of life is not religious and began to be encroached internal conflicts. Raden Mas Mustahar is kept away from an atmosphere that is not conducive to the development of his soul and is then introduced to the rites of the santri's life.

Through the guidance of Ratu Ageng, the prince at his young age explores the pesantren for the sake of boarding school by using simple clothes and undergoing a strong tirakat behavior. He sowan to various scholars, then also visited the grave of his ancestors. Later, this academic and spiritual pilgrimage only enriched his connection when the Java War arrived.

Under the tutelage of Queen Ageng, Diponegoro many melalap fiqh books through the clerics who are often invited to discuss (bahtsul masail) in balairung residence in Tegalrejo. Through the tradition of science proclaimed by the great-grandmother of his daughter, Diponegoro studied his Muharrar Imam ar-Rafi'i and Lubab al-Fiqh his Al-Mahamili. But his favorite remains his Taqrib Abu Syuja al-Isfahani and his Fath al-Wahhab Imam Zakariya al-Ansari. Taqrib be Diponegoro grip while fighting and up to now kept in house arrest Diponegoro in Magelang (other than the Koran and a turban), while Fath al-Wahhab became a regular book review by Kyai Mojo in the presence of the scholars when guerillas.

In the hands of Queen Ageng, who is adept at reading the Javanese script and Pegon, Pegon Diponegoro dragged into the preoccupation of the world of fiqh knowledge as well as tasawuf. His great-grandfather made a spacious hall beside his residence for the clergy to discuss various themes, from fiqh to tatanegara. Buyut daughter also introduced Diponegoro with academic tradition of Tarekat Syattariyah through Tuhfat al-Mursalah ila Ruh an-Nabi by Shaykh Muhammad bin Fadhlullah a-Burhanpuri. This book explains the philosophy of Sufism about the doctrine of "the dignity of seven" which corresponds to the thinking of the Javanese man when contemplating God, the world and the position of man. As a follower of the Shari'a Order (and Naqsyabandiyah), it makes sense if Diponegoro is not interested in the Wahhabism-style religion that is beginning to penetrate West Sumatera.

At the time of the righteous Queen Ageng died on October 17, 1803, Raden Mas Mustahar aka Ontowiryo alias Diponegoro, lost the main counselors who accompanied him through adolescence until the adult. However, in later years, the prince became more intense with the people and began to establish the valuable connections he would use at the start of the struggle, 1825.
WAllahu A'lam bisshawab
1. Encyclopedia 22 Flow of Tarekat KH. A. Aziz Masyhuri.
2. The Power of Divination: Diponegoro and the End of the Old Order in Java by Peter Carey.
3. Mighty Woman In Java XVIII-XIX century by Peter Carey and Vincent Houben.

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