Head of FKDT Imbau Do not Choose Politicians Who Do Not Support Madrasahs

DPP Chairman of the Communication Forum Diniyah Takmiliyah (FKDT) Lukman Hakim, called for the campaigners of madrassas and boarding schools to not vote for candidates from any political party that does not support the madrasah. According to him, politicians who are not pro madrasah are not worthy of being a leader.

"I appeal to the religious teachers and teachers of Madrasah and madrasah activists and boarding schools not to choose a leader who does not support madrasah," said alumnus UIN Walisongo Semarang, during a peaceful ordeal on a five-day school stamp on Jalan Pahlawan in front of the Governor's Office Central Java, Friday, (21/7).

As is known, the Coalition of Education Care Community (KMPP) held a peaceful action demanding the revocation of Permendikbud. 23 of 2017. Permendikbud is considered to weaken Madrasah Diniyah. The reason, this candy set the school five days for eight hours.

Thus, if the formal school until four o'clock in the afternoon, then the hours of study in madrasah diniyah which during the afternoon run can not be done. Therefore, thousands of madrassa students, ustadz and kiai of pesantren (Islamic boarding school) held an action. The action is carried out with forced because the demands are well not responded by the government.

Santri will Action to Jakarta
Lukman on that occasion also invites all santri all of Central Java to be ready if they have to go down to Jakarta. "If our demands are ignored by the government, are you ready if you have to go down to Jakarta?" Lukman asked while the oration on stage.
"Siaaaaapp .....," answered the students with a compact.

With the invitation, the santri are very prepared if they have to fight to go down to Jakarta.

After the oration by the oration to convey the aspirations done, the participants disperse with order. The ant action troop also did a good job. So the road is handsome hero clean.

The Banser and Polri security forces also keep the mass of action very well. So the action goes orderly and safe.

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