MUI: GNPF Not Part of MUI, Do not Bring MUI Fatwa - The National Movement of the Fatwa Guards of the Indonesian Ulema Council (GNPF-MUI) held a rally on Friday (28/7) with a route from the Istiqlal Mosque to the State Palace. The participants of the demonstration demanded the cancellation of Perppu No. 2 of 2017 on mass organizations. The Perppu was signed by President Joko Widodo on July 10, 2017.
Responding to the demonstration commanded by the GNPF-MUI, the Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) put forward his attitude. MUI stated that the public should not worry about the Perppu mass organizations because the Perppu applies only to organizations that ant-Pancasila.
"There is no political or structural relationship between MUI and any mass action or movement - including the GNPF - which rejects Perppu no. 2 Year 2017 on CBOs, "said Chairman of MUI Masduki Baidlowi Center through a written statement received NU Online, Friday (28/7).
In fact, MUI states explicitly that GNPF is not a part, organ or institution that is under the auspices of MUI.
However, MUI invites GNPF to take its own stance but does not label or associate its opinion to MUI. According to the MUI, it can lead to inter-clerical, umara, and umma.
MUI appealed to the community to put forward deliberations in solving a problem, rather than conduct a demonstration that could disrupt public order.
Therefore, the MUI asks the GNPF not to continue to use and carry the MUI fatwa and extend it to politics.
In addition, MUI also calls on all elements of society to promote harmonious and dialogical relationships among peers in order to create a life that is mutually amicable and peaceful.
MUI also emphasized that Indonesoa is a nation state with four pillars, namely Pancasila, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, NKRI and UUD 45.
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