Hobby Insulting Kiai Said and Jokowi, FB Owner "Ummu Izzah Mujahidah" Polished

Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - Ummu Izzah Mujahidah (UIM) owner allegedly insulting Jokowi and the General Chairman of PBNU Prof. Dr. KH Said Aqil Siradj, was reported to the Central Java police.

"For a long time we see the walls of FB UIM contains provocative and slanderous words," said PC Secretary GP Ansor Semarang City Rahul Saiful Bahri when reporting to Polrestabes Semarang Jl Dr Sutomo IV Barusari South Semarang, Friday (04/08/2017) night .

The act of uploading such a status of the medsos is considered an unpleasant act and defames the national character. For example, two days yesterday saw a post that clearly insulting Jokowi and Ketum PBNU on top of a five-thousand-dollar bill and Jokowi's photo with Kiai Said.

"There is a phrase 'JENGGOT GAMIS SORBAN GOBLOK' above the photo of Kiai Said," he said. The writing with the dialogue pattern Kiai Said with Jokowi was also seen clearly. "Pak Jokowi please replace that wearing a cap like me," he continued while showing the text.

Then on Jokowi's photo is written: "It can be arranged Yai is important to support me". At the end of the photograph is written the words: "Finally shell out new money" with a picture of paper money with photos of Dr. KH Idham Cholid ex Ketum PBNU.

"It seems clear that the UIM demeaned the country's symbols and harassed the kiai who became role models of nahdliyyin throughout Indonesia," said Rahul. Unfortunately starting on Thursday night (03/08/2017) FB UIM is no longer active. However, although removed, police are not difficult to find evidence.

In front of Polrestabes picket officers Semarang, explained, that UIM is only a pseudonym of a woman living in Permata Hijau Housing Ngaliyan Subdistrict Semarang City. The name of the FB owner we have handed over the police.
"Thank you for this complaint, because this is cyber area so we suggest directly to Central Java Police to be handled faster," said police officer. Accompanied by Tuts Pitoyo, a member of Intel Polrestabes Semarang, immediately complained to Central Java Police Jl Pahlawan No. 1 Semarang City.

In Polda Jateng, the reporter was received by SPKT picket officers. Semarang City Banser Commander Suharmanto delivered a chronology of alleged insult to the President and Ketum PBNU to the picket officer.

"The owner of FB UIM is disturbing and we feel offended because he insulted the symbol of the country and kiai, so we complained to Polda according to Polrestabes direction" he said. Because this is the realm of IT, the cyber crime unit Ditreskrimsus Polda Central Java assisted this complaint.

"This complaint we received well and the complainant was asked to complete the report form and proof of screenshot" said officers at the Central Java Regional Police. ) / KBAswaja

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