MUI Supports Minister of Religion on Haj Fund for Infrastructure

MUI Supports Minister of Religion on Haj Fund for Infrastructure - Secretary of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Asrorun Niam Sholeh supports the views of the Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin regarding the utilization of the Hajj deposit funds that are included in the list of hajj departure queues. According to Asrorun, the deposit of Hajj Operation Cost (BPIH) may be managed for productive things, such as infrastructure projects.

"The Forum of Ijtima Ulama agrees that it is possible to produce Haj pilgrimage fund for investment as long as it is done according to sharia and there is benefit," said Asrorun in MUI's written statement on Saturday, July 30, 2017.

According to Asrorun, the views of the Minister of Religious Affairs are in line with the MUI Fatwa. The problem of the pilgrimage fund, Asrorun said, has been discussed in the forum Ijtima Ulama Fatwa Commission in Indonesia IV in Cipasung, West Java, 2012. Asrorun mention funds deposited Hajj deposited in the account of the Minister of Religious Affairs whose registrants including waiting list (waiting list) Syar'i is the property of the applicant (hajj candidate).
"BPIH deposit funds for haj pilgrims who include a waiting list in the account of the Minister of Religious Affairs, may be ditasharrufkan for things that can provide benefits, including placement in Islamic banking or invested in sukuk," said Asrorun.

The results of such placements or investments, Asrorun said, belong to the pilgrims included in the waiting list, among others, as additional funds for prospective Hajj savings or deductions of real / real hajj costs. In addition, as a government manager is entitled to receive a reasonable or not excessive rewards. Thus, in principle, the settling Hajj funds can be invested for the benefit of the benefit.

"But it must be done according to Shari'ah and the benefits are back to the pilgrims," ​​Asrorun said.

Regarding the use of the pilgrim fund itself, Lukman Hakim cites the results of the decision of Ijtimak Ulama Fatwa Commission of Indonesia in 2012 about the Status of Ownership Fund BPIH Deposit Sign Waiting List. In the decision mentioned BPIH deposit funds for hajj candidates who entered the waiting list in the account of the Minister of Religious Affairs may ditasarufkan for productive things. The fatwa is also in line with Law No. 34 of 2014 on Financial Management of Hajj. Based on the fatwa, the MUI approved the views of the Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin.

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