Alhamdulillah, Secretary General of PBNU Bimbing Login Islam NTT People - PBNU secretary general HA Helmy Faishal Zaini Guiding Andreas Taus read the two sentences of shahadah on Wednesday (2/8) in Babakan, Cirebon. Andreas who is a native of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is vowed to read two sentences shahadat witnessed by tens of villagers Babakan.
In his short address, Secretary General HA. Helmy Faishal Zaini said that the best way to taqorrub or get closer to God is by being diligent and giving thanks.
"The two things that can be used as an alta to get closer to God.First is always grateful, and the second is to diligently Sholawat-reading Sholawat according to Habib Faiz from Malang is Sholawat Ibrohim," said Helmy.
More lenjut, this man born Cirebon advised that Muslims should be a patient person. He exemplifies how patient the Prophet Muhammad is to face his people.
"The Prophet Muhammad was once stoned by the Fulan, but the Prophet (s) never replied, even prayed for him Until one day the fulan did not throw the Prophet again, apparently the Fulan was sick and the Prophet visited and prayed. This is the morality that we have to sample, "added Helmy.
After guiding the reading of two sentences, Helmy added the name of Andreas Taus to Ahmad Andreas Taus. (Fariz Alniezar / Fathoni / NU Online)
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