[Habib Luthfi] The difference between Qarin and the Soul

[Habib Luthfi] The difference between Qarin and the Soul

Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - In the modern language is known as the term black box *, and qarin it black boxnya man. What we often play and are often brought here and there is black boxnya. Like the song on the cassette there are seventeen songs, for example, that are played sometimes only number six and number three. Just keep turning on those few songs recorded in the qarin. It could not be less and could not be more. Because the task of black box is to record all the behaviors such as, qarin same position.

Then some kasyaf expert (person who has an inner eye) if a pilgrim to a barzakh he knows this muwakkal (representative) or this qarinnya there. So that the great guardians like Mbah Sholeh Bagusan Comal is included from the extraordinary kasyaf expert. Leave the pilgrimage with the entourage. Once arriving at the pilgrimage site immediately invite home, "Back ae behind ae, do back, back yo ..."

But Mbah Sholeh's saying there is a reason. "Behind ae back, useless ra ono wonge, free ra ono wonge, wes behind ae (Go home, useless no one)". Mbah Sholeh only send al-Fatihah's letter then go home. For he knows that there is none, his soul is gathered with the other guardians ('ala masyrabahum); The Syadziliyah gathered with his spirit Imam ash-Syadzili, the Qadiriyah gathered with Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani, the Tijaniyah, the Syathariyah, and so on. Gathered with aimmat ath-thurufihim (the leaders) ie alladzi fihi al-madad min madad al-maula, gather together.

There are guardians who return to his grave not necessarily once a day or once a week. Such as the pilgrimage to Shaykh Abdul Wahab asy-Sya'roni. If you want to make a pilgrimage to the time before ba'da Fajar prayer or before Shubuh, then can meet with Shaykh Abdul Wahab asy-Sya'roni in his grave. Besides Saturday morning will not meet, because he is still gathered together with the Prophet Saw. Minal spirits junudun mujannadah (ruh-ruh is like a gathering army) **, collected there.

There muwakkal is the angels, not qarin, who was assigned to guard the grave. (Angels) "What is it?" (Pilgrim) "I want to intercede with God's guardian." (Angel) "What is his need?" (Pilgrim) "Ask Allah Allah I am like this and like this ..."

It is the angel who will deliver it to Allah Ta'ala with the permission of the guardian. (Angel) "This is a lot of Kiai's guests, before in your grave there is fulan and fulan ..." (Wali) "Yes, whatever needs, read aloud ..." Umma so. Then by the guardian dihaturkan requests (prayers) was to Allah SWT.

Death is something that must happen. No soul can escape by itself. When the Angel of Azrael took the life of a servant, the spirit of the body was dissolved. If there are any questions, many rituals are supposed to call the soul and can be included whether that includes asrar?
The answer can be balanced with logic. Look at the fluorescent lights, like the glass / bulb is removed there is still fire or not? The flame is glass or stun? Stun. If the stun still exists but the bulb does not exist then the fire still exists. Thus the spirit when out of the body.

نور العالم والأسرار فيه الأنوار

"The light of the pious and the asrar in them there are the lights." Because the worship of a wali that day can menyhatamkan al-Quran so many times, tahajjud umpteen, sholawat umpteen, dzikir umpteen, and so on. This is a great asror.

His soul was withdrawn but his body was still in his grave. There is a body that is still awake intact, for perpetuating wudu, or experts Tahajjud, more hafidz al-Quran or hablu al-Quran, this is guarded. At times he gets a command by Allah Ta'ala to be present at the death of the pious, or when the precarious state, the soul is laid back and then rises from his grave to defend jihad fi sabilillah. For example, when the death of Sayyidina Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the martyrs and martyrs are all present to be taught to Umar bin Abdul Aziz.

There is also a time that the spirit is permitted by Allah SWT. Approached his surviving mother. He was with the entourage asked by the martyrs to join the duty to Umar bin Abdul Aziz. But the permit is only that, not allowed to stop by.

If the body has been destroyed then the absolute soul "nurun yatala'la abwa kal barqil khathif kal mir-ah", like a glistening glass reflection. That ultimately the soul enters into the body of a person, then includes a great fortune for that person. This requires a really strong body. So the term summoning the ghost is actually the entry is the asrarnya, not the spirit, such asrar the Wali Songo.
Unlike the experts of the tariqah, then madad min madadillah enter. Allah Ta'ala gave madad to the Prophet Saw, then the Companions, then to the imam tariqah. It is different because of the right of the guardian, not a matter of possession or possession.

Such as if a (kiai) expert tariqah will die then the holy rimes will be present. Then welcome to her like greeting guests and sometimes like chatting on their own. As if the kiai is being zawalul 'aqli (lost sense). Though he is looking at anyone who will witness himself back to the divine presence. Meaning he is ready. This is called madad min madadillah. Very many of God's guardians are experiencing such things. But if the soul enters the human body there is no strong nash. If asrar yes, right, asrar from holy ruhs.

The different tawasulan again meaning. Here must understand. Submission of the asrar as above is yes like the guardian itself. That means it's right. As if the same but not the same.
Such as asked, there are conceded asrar but why dawuh (words) not digugu / followed? Want to follow how if alone alone can not distinguish between the angel with the devil. Just as someone who claims to meet guardian fulan while he alone can not distinguish where the spirit of mahfudz (guarded) and the ghairul mahfudz (not guarded). So many misunderstand that he left the prayer as if it had been borne.

Especially if that came was like saying, "You are my grandson, not someone else." Fuss over there. Who's talking? Already be able to distinguish what yet? So do not like to play with the sciences like that. If not the time will not be. Of this there is an important account in the book of Munjinat al-Asrar chapter khawash surat al-ikhlas.

* Black box or black box is a set of devices used in the field of transportation, referring to the reference data recorder (FDR) and cockpit voice recorder (CVR) in an airplane.
** In Ihya 'Ulumiddin pages 159-160, Imam al-Ghazali gives an interesting review of the hadith al-arwah junudun mujannadah, as follows:
الارواح جنود مجندة فما تعارف منها ائتلف وما تناكر منها اختلف (* 1) فالتناكر نتيجة التباين والائتلاف نتيجة التناسب الذى عبر عنه بالتعارف وفي بعض الالفاظ "الارواح جنود مجندة تلتقي فتتشام في الهواء (* 2). وقد كنى بعض العلماء عن هذا بان قال ان الله تعالى خلق الارواح ففلق بعضها فلقا واطافها حول العرش فأى روحين من فلقتين تعارفا هناك فالتقيا تواصلا في الدنيا. وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم ان ارواح المؤمنين ليلتقيان علي مسيرة يوم وما رأى احدهما صاحبه قط (* 3)
The souls are like assembled soldiers, then those who know each other thereof will necessarily harmonize (interacting or adapting) and contrary to it necessarily deflect each other. "(1).

The word "Tanakur / antagonism" is the natijah (outcome) of difference, and "Iphthen" is the result of conformity which is likened to "Ta'aruf" or know each other, or get acquainted with one another. In some of the above hadith texts there is a purpose which indicates that the soul or spirit is like a gathering army and meet, then kiss in the air. (2).

Some scholars mention this by kinayah or satire by saying that Allah SWT. Make all life, then solved Him partly and dithawafkan around Arsy. So which of the two lives or souls of the two pieces of the acquaintance then met as a continuity of their encounter in the world. The Prophet Saw. Said, "That the lives of two believers meet in a day's journey, and not once one of them sees his friend." (3).

(1) HR. Imam Muslim of Abi Hurairah and Imam Bukhari narrates as a review of hadith Siti Aisyah).
(2) Hadith "The soul or spirit is like a gathering army and encounter, then kissing in the air", Imam ath-Thabarani relies the weakness of this hadith from the hadith of Ali.
(3). Hadith "That the lives of two mu'min meet in the course of a day, and not once one of them see his friend", Imam Ahmad narrated from Abdullah bin 'Amr with lafadz "تلتقى" and said one of them contained in it Ibnu Luhai'ah from Daraj. (Footnote Ihya, p.159, about the meaning of "al-ikhwah fillah").

Dishare from: Sya'roni As-Samfuriy.
Presented by Maulana Habib Luthfi bin Yahya in Ramadhan Prayer in his ndalem, in 2016.

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