Straighten The Statement "Angry Prophet If God's Religion Is Despised"
Circulated in social media (medsos) pieces of pictures that contain the following information:
كان صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يغضب لنفسه فإذا ا تنتهكت حرمات الله لم يقم لغضبه شيء
It is explained that this is Sayyid Thantawi, which is extracted from the Hadith of the Hindu history of ibn Abi Halah, issued by Imam al-Thabarani and Imam al-Tirmidhi. Then the Arabic text is translated as follows:
"The Prophet (s) is not angry for his (private) interest, but if Allah's religion is insulted (His teachings are violated), then nothing can be upright in his anger."
The statements through pictures and videos are voiced to legitimize that a reasonable Muslim should be angry if his religious teachings are insulted. Really the above information? Let's talk together.
First, the above text translation is quite tendentious. The correct sentence is precisely in parentheses "if His teachings are violated", not "if Allah's religion is insulted". The development of meaning (not to say this translation has been twisted) is problematic. So the exact translation is:
"The Prophet (s) is not angry for his (private) interest, but if his teaching is violated, nothing can stand in the face of his anger."
What does it mean? We will explain below after discussing the source of quotation text above.
Secondly, this text is narrated from Hindun bin Abi Halah. Who is he? Abi Halah is the husband of Siti Khadijah before marrying Rasulullah SAW. So Hindun is the stepchild of the Prophet Muhammad. While Siti Khadijah married Nabiyullah, this Hindu was a teenager and lived with Prophet Muhammad and Siti Khadijah's mother.
That is why Hindun knows exactly the intricacies of the Prophet's daily behavior. In the long story quoted by Sayyid Thantawi, as I will explain below, Sayyidina Hasan asked his uncle, Hindun bin Abi Halah about the figure of the Datuk.
Thirdly, somehow those circulated above are Sayyid Thantawi's texts, the former Grand Sheikh al-Azhar and the Egyptian Mufti, are not the direct Hadith texts? Is it worried that there is a question about the validity of the hadith's status from Imam al-Thabarani and Imam al-Tirmidhi? Understandably there is a tendency to regard as if only the hadith from Bukhari-Muslim are valid. Of course not.
This hadith narrated by Imam at Tirmidhi is complete in the book of asy-shama'il. I do not find it in Sunan al-Tirmidhi. The book of Shama'il is about the figure of the Prophet Muhammad. This is in the context of a discussion of adab or ethics, not with regard to religious law. We can compare the book of Shama'il with the book of Adab al-Mufrad written by Imam Bukhari, besides he wrote the famous book of Sahih Bukhari.
The complete narrative of the Prophet's morals is also listed by Ibn Kathir in al Bidayah wan Nihayah (6/33). This hadith is mentioned by al-Hakim in al Mustadrak (3/640). The hadith is also issued by Imam Thabarani and Ibn Asakir as it is in the book of Kanzul Ummal (4/32) and by Baghawi in al-Ishabah (3/611).
I quote the related text to understand the context of the statement of Hindun bin Abi Halah:
لا يتكلم في غير حاجة, طويل السكوت, يفتتح الكلام ويختمه بأشداقه, يتكلم بجوامع الكلم, فصل لا فضول ولا تقصير, دمث ليس بالجافي ولا المهين, يعظم النعمة وإن دقت لا يذم منها شيئا ولا يمدحه, ولا يقوم لغضبه إذا تعرض للحق شيء حتى ينتصر له.
"The Messenger of Allah (SAW) speaks silently except as necessary, he is more often silent, He begins and concludes the conversation fully, and does not speak with his lips, his words are brief but have deep meaning and wisdom, neither reproach nor exaggerate praise. There is no one who can fight his anger if truth is belied so that he wins the truth. "
وفي رواية: لا تغضبه الدنيا وما كان لها, فإذا تعرض للحق لم يعرفه أحد, ولم يقيم لغضبه شيء حتى ينتصر له, لا يغضب لنفسه ولا ينتصر لها, إذا أشار أشار بكفه كلها, وإذا تعجب قلبها,
In other narrations it is said, "The Prophet (s) is not angry because of worldly affairs, but when truth is denied, he will be angry without anyone being able to stand in front of his anger, so he won that truth for him.
He is not angry about his own interests, and never gives punishment for himself. When he is pointing or gesturing towards something, he will point it with all his palms. When he is amazed, he will reverse his palms. "
Then clearly the context of the anger of the Apostle was not because of insult, but because of the truth that is violated or denied. Actually similar texts are also listed in the book of Sahih Bukhari (hadith no 6288), Sahih Muslim (4294) and Sunan Abi Dawud (4153).
I include the text of Sahih Bukhari:
6288 - حدثنا يحيى بن بكير حدثنا الليث عن عقيل عن ابن شهاب عن عروة عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالت ما خير النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بين أمرين إلا اختار أيسرهما ما لم يأثم فإذا كان الإثم كان أبعدهما منه والله ما انتقم لنفسه في شيء يؤتى إليه قط حتى تنتهك حرمات الله فينتقم لله
"The apostle chooses a lighthearted thing if there are two choices as long as it is not sinful, and if it is sinful, the Apostle will stay away from him, by Allah he will never be angry at personal matters, but if Allah's teachings are violated he becomes angry with Allah (lillah)."
So once again it is clear that this context of the Prophet is not angry because the religion of Allah is insulted. But angry that the truth / teachings of God tainted by violating or deceiving the teachings of Islam itself. So the anger of the Prophet is solely because of Allah, not out of personal grudge especially because of political affairs pilpres and pilkada in polling stations (polling station).
What is happening now is different. We are angry, we continue - to quote Gus Mus - important as if God were also angry too. Who are we ?!
Then we are angry with the quote there-twisted here, let God be assumed follow-up angry too. How come the Prophet who was sent to complete the morals and the All-Merciful and Most Merciful God is considered a little angry, a little insulted.
Said Rasulullah SAW:
لما قضى الله الخلق كتب في كتابه فهو عنده فوق العرش: إن رحمتي غلبت غضبي
When God created His creatures, He wrote in His book, which is on His side above 'Throne,' Verily My Mercy more overcomes My wrath. "(Narrated by Bukhari no 7404 and Muslim no. 2751)
Unbelievable, God's love is beyond His wrath! If we are upside down: our anger to the crown until it is out of control exposes an inappropriate vocabulary, and the anger continues prolonged from 2014 to 2019 - our bourgeoisie wants to learn to hold back the anger in order to love and spread mercy for the universe. Duh, Gusti ....
The author is Rais Syuriyah Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PCINU) Australia-New Zealand.
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