All Public Servants and Lecturers Who Become HTI Members Must Resign
Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) M Nasir said he would call the rector of universities throughout Indonesia in the near future.
The call was to discuss the involvement of officers and lecturers in Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) in the campus environment.
"In the future we will collect the rector all over Indonesia, God willing on July 26, 2017," said Nasir told reporters at UGM Balairung Building, Jalan Persatuan, Sleman regency, Saturday (22/7/2017).
According Nasir, employees and lecturers at state universities (PTN) involved HTI violated PP 53 of 2010 on the discipline of civil servants (PNS). In the regulation, he said, civil servants must declare themselves loyal to Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
"In accordance with the Perppu issued by the President at the same time from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights that dissolved HTI, the lecturers and employees (PTN) should not be involved," said Nasir.
Nasir said it would give two options to employees and lecturers at PTN who are members of HTI. First, he said, employees and lecturers who are members of HTI must declare themselves out of the organization.
"He must leave the HTI, not follow HTI activities, and rejoin the government," said Nasir.
He said the rector, the vice rector, and the dean of the faculty who became the guarantor as well as the supervisor of the former staff and lecturers of HTI. According to him, the former HTI member must also get pemnbaan.
Second, Nasir continued, employees and lecturers should resign their work if they do not want to get out of the organization that has been disbanded by the government. Because, the basic dissolution of the organization is an ideology that is against the Pancasila and want to establish a khilafah state.
"Must come out because he is part of the country, should (ideology) should not be separated from the state," said Nasir.
For officers and lecturers involved in HTI in private universities (PTS), Nasir said, it handed it to Private Higher Education Coordination (Kopertis). According to him, Kopertis should also do the same thing as Kemenristekdikti in handling the employees or lecturers of PTS involved HTI.
"But the treatment is different from PTN.Your private model is different, maybe also different regulation," said Nasir.
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