Artist Wahabi "Caesar" Joget Again, So Ahlul Bid'ah Again?

Artist Wahabi Caisar Putra Aditya (born in Jakarta, August 29, 1989, age 27 years), or better known as Cesar or Cesar Yuk Keep Smile, again made a surprise. The surprise is the re-emergence of Caesar in the world of entertainment Indonesia with the appearance of Caesar in one of the TV program in Indonesia, namely "FESBUKER".

The reappearance of Caesar in the world of entertainment is making a frenzy of netizens, the article of Caesar some time ago has decided to emigrate and determined to explore the wahrah and leave the world keartisannya.

Caesarpun's wife, Indadari is known to invite Caesar to emigrate after hearing the info write caption for her husband. "Patience .. Patience a little longer in emigrating and trying istiqamah .. Patience .. Patience a little longer .. Until we enter the heaven where there will be no more sorrow, no more exams, and we smile and sama2 said" thank God we finally arrived Also here .. "wrote Indadari, in instagramnya account, Wednesday (2/8/2017).

Whereas in the teachings of Joget's wahabi is Haram

Shaykh Ibn Utsaimin (Ulama Wahabi) said, "Joget is originally makruh. But if by way of westerners or imitating pagan women, then it becomes haram. Based on the words of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, "Who resembles a people, then he is part of it." Whereas sometimes there is also slander. Sometimes a beautiful and charming young joget is so young it can be a slander for women. Although in the midst of women, it can occur among women who show that they are affected by slander (tempted). So whatever is the cause of slander, it is forbidden. "(Liqo Babul Maftuh, cassette no 1085)

Whereas usually the Wahsha are very industrious menyidah and forbid, but maybe caesar not kaffah in berwahabi, wallahu a'lam [mm]

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