Why is NU Funny and Muhammadiyah Not?
Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - NU is funny and Muhammadiyah is not funny, it's so common understanding. Cak Nun has already said it, if not mistaken in Slilit Sang Kyai (1991).
I also feel it. I am Muhammadiyah, but I am familiar with NU children. Often also hang around and bump with them, including listening to their humor. NU children's humor is typical and classy. That is, their sense of humor is different from others, including from Muhammadiyah. Plus, humor is not just the origin of making laugh, but also inspire.
Want to know the example? For example, when asked why many students and NU kiai are smoking, they casually argue with the proposition, "Warqo'uu ma'a ar-roo'qi'iin." People who do not understand thought the sentence came from a hadith or even a verse. Though it's just a homemade sentence of the paragraph that is slipped. That is, "Smoking with people who smoke."
If that's not the case, they will make a pun of another proposition: "Roqqi 'walaa nusyuura." Smoking and do not rub (chewing tobacco). Or another argument, "Ni'matul 'uduud ba'da dahaar," which is a Javanese phrase that "diarab-arabkan" and means' The pleasure of people smoking it after eating'.
Another example, to illustrate the state of flowering, life reluctant to die will not, the children of NU express it with the term, "La yamuutu walaa yahya. Ora quality ngentekke costs ". Not worth the cost.
Well, I'm sure such humor will not be found in the middle of Muhammadiyah people. Humor is very NU. For the NU's children, playing (and mocking) words with ushul fiqh logic is common. But remember, that is only found among NU pesantren. If NU ndeso ya not much different from Muhammadiyah. If funny, maybe funny still need to be added wagu.
I used to think, NU pesantren children are smart to make smart jokes because they learn manthiq (logic), ushul fiqih, and tasawuf. Through manthiq they become smart to play the word. With ushul fiqih they spell out standard logic to unexpected conclusions. And through Sufism they know the Sufi-Sufi jadzab (eccentric) whose attitude is like nyeleneh and arbitrarily. The attitude of glenyengan and sak pengake dhewe is then transmitted to the students of the NU. That's why they're so funny. The best example, yes, Gus Dur is.
Later, the analysis I think is only half true. Apparently there are other more fundamental factors. The high sense of humor of the NU people was not about manthiq, ushul fiqh, and tasawuf. Also not about their cangkrukan habits, let alone the pleasure play cassava and remi in cottage rooms. Then what if it is not it? In my analysis again, the reason is: because naturally, the NU ideology is not familiar with the enemy, while the Muhammadiyah ideology knows many enemies.
Well, Muhammadiyah is inspired by Wahabi. As a movement of Islamic purification, the uniqueness of Wahabi ideology is because they have the concept of al wala 'wal bara' (love and hate), thaghut (sacredness other than Allah), heresy, and so on. The concepts obviously necessitate the existence of an enemy or an opponent. When the concept is to be applied, there must be a concrete identification, who is meant by the enemy or the opponent. With their textual and rigid views, the real enemies can be non-Muslims, cultured figures, opponents of the formalization of Islamic law, polytheists, heretics, and so on. They are all ideological enemies.
Well, this Wahabi ideology inspires Muhammadiyah, at least in terms of textuality and anti-tuberculosis (Superstition, Bid'ah, Churafat). And unfortunately, tuberculosis is still widely found in the middle of the traditions and culture of today's society. So, how could they be familiar with the traditions and culture if there are many entrenched his enemy. How can it be relaxed and geguyon amid the many ideological enemies. And consequently, most of them are innately serious and tense. Though the tense person can not be funny. Because if funny even wagu (odd).
Lha if NU? They have no such enemies, their ideology wong are not familiar with the terms al wala 'wal bara', taghout and heresy. There is indeed that concept in their ideology. But the interpretation and the actual form will be different. Compared to Muhammadiyah, NU is more able to be fluid to non-Muslims, lha wong concept of love and hate is also different. A kyai khos NU that dikultuskan, for Muhammadiyah is thaghut (sacred beside Allah). But for NU, they even kissed his hands and asked for baraka if he died. So is the case of heresy. Practices that for Muhammadiyah are considered ideological viruses, may be for NU is a daily friend, even preserved and diuri-uri. This is very logical, because NU's doctrine is "Al-muhafazhatu 'ala qadimis-shalih. Wal akhdzu bil-soidil-ashlah ". Nguri-uri a good tradition, and innovate in new things better.
With the doctrine, NU could be more intimate and intimate with the things that are considered enemies by Muhammadiyah. Adat, tradition, thaghut, even non-Muslims. They can live more relaxed, geguyon and glenyengan, also hahahihi at will alone. For NU people life is cheerful and fun. There is almost no reason to be sad and sad. The NU people are flowing. To borrow Anwar Zahid's phrase, life is the most important thing to do. "Esuk welcome gawe. Prayers, dhikas, ana tahlil ya mangkat, tanggane Yasinan ya melu Yasinan. No heresy. Sing is important to do. Ngono ae keep tekane starch. Penak ".
Lha Muhammadiyah people can not be so. They look at life with gloomy glasses. The world is getting worse. Many immoral. There must be amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. Life is serious, full of struggle, and of course, there is no time to joke or taunt.
The difference, in part, is also an expression of the way they see God. For Muhammadiyah, God is Most Enforcing. But for NU, as my friend NU said, God is the Most Relaxed. That is why many are judging, NU is funny, while Muhammadiyah is tensed merely.
But do not be misunderstood. Not then if there are people Muhammadiyah serious, tense, and do not like humor means already Muhammadiyah tenanan. And conversely, who still likes glenyengan and jokes means ora patek Muhammadiyah. It is not like that. Mr. AR Fahruddin is an example. Who doubts his Muhammadiyah? He is a true Muhammadiyah, but Mr. AR is a joke. Even in forums that are considered taboo to be funny: Friday sermons!
Apart from all that, NU and Muhammadiyah have indeed chosen their own way. If NU goes above the funny line, then Muhammadiyah is above the innocent line. What is innocent is not just what it is and textual like Wahabi. But naive it can also be interpreted as an abbreviation of "funny and wagu".
Is that so?
Yes. For example, Muhammadiyah people do not like the praises (shalawatan) after the call to prayer. But in their formal event, Muhammadiyah itself used to sing "Sang Surya" (mars Muhammadiyah) in the mosque. For those who do not understand Muhammadiyah, it is funny touring wagu. Because according to them, "Neng mejid kudune shalawatan, koq even sing." Hence, Muhammadiyah people do not have to be upset if not spelled funny. Because without any funny, in fact many Muhammadiyah people who have been funny.
Indeed Muhammadiyah knows, the jokes will impress intimacy and egalitarian. However, they also know, the Prophet Muhammad reminded, too many jokes will turn off the sensitivity of the heart and deprive the prestige. That is why Kyai Dahlan founded Muhammadiyah was not for funny.
If it means just funny, of course Kyai Dahlan founded Srimulat or ketoprak Soerja Soemoenar group. But not. Kyai Dahlan even held a recitation of Al-Ma'un, not the Angkring Chat. Kyai Dahlan invites Soedja 'and Hisjam. Instead of inviting Wisben and Dalidjo. There are two reasons. First, Kyai Dahlan wants to invite to walk on the innocent line, not the funny line. And second, obviously, at that time Wisben and Dalidjo were not yet born.
Dishare from WILDAN WAHIED via Mojok.co
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