Hajj has a Guest Allah, Not Belongs to the Rich
Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - Mustasyar PCNU Probolinggo District H Hasan Aminuddin said that currently many Muslims who live mediocre able to perform the pilgrimage. They try hard and sincerely to be a guest of Allah and the Messenger of Allah.
This was conveyed by Hasan Aminuddin when he attended Safari Haji Regent Probolinggo Hj Puput Tantriana Sari at the residence of Kareng Kidul Village Head of Wonomerto Suladi and his wife Samak Indayati, Monday (31/77).
"All because of his sincere and sincere intentions. Besides also istiqamah and his patience as motivation of encouragement to perform the pilgrimage to the holy land of Mecca and Medina, "he said.
According to Hasan, the pilgrimage can be practiced by all Muslims. Because the person who perform the pilgrimage is the guest of Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW where the pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam.
"Hajj is not just the rich man's. All Muslims have the same right to implement the fifth pillar of Islam. Depending on the prayer and effort made to be invited as a guest of Allah and the Messenger of Allah, "he asserted.
Participated in the hajj safari activities are board of PCNU officers Probolinggo and MWCNU districts Wonomerto, institutions and autonomous bodies (Banom) NU. (Syamsul Akbar / Alhafiz K / NU Online)
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