This is the Benefit You Get if Jam'iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama Entrance

This is the Benefit You Get if Jam'iyyah Nahdlatul Ulama Entrance - Mursyid Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Kholidiyah Sheikh KH Mohammad Irfa'i Nahrowi An-Naqsyabandie QS gave his opinion on NU which is now 91 years old, experiences with NU, and importance of berjam'iyyah (NU).
The caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Qoshrul Arifin, Kasepuhan Atas Angin, Darmacaang, Ciamis, West Java conveyed this to his son Atabik Janka Dausat, at the residence of Sheikh KH Mohammad Irfa'i Nahrowi An-Naqsyabandie QS on Wednesday (1/2).

Here's the excerpt:
I see NU is like looking at the kiai figure, that is the people who are disobuhkan or elder, followed by many people and become role models, become pepunden because of the deep and height of his religious knowledge which is reflected in his behavior.

NU is like waliyullah. People came to him from various quarters with diverse interests. From among santri, ordinary people, businessmen and officials, even good people or bad people are all well received.
The heart of NU is like the ocean. Do not get dirty because of them. Unaffected and unprovoked. Nevertheless, NU spreads amar bil ma'ruf wa nahi 'anil mungkar: true is said to be right and wrong is said wrong. All get education and affection. Science and affection NU like rain water. All the expanse of the earth is watered. Clever people and fools can drink, bathe, and bathe with it.

It is because of this that many people are rushing to NU to take shelter under the shelter from the heat of the ordeal of life. With him, the people find serenity and peace. True, then, when he was hailed as the bearer of the banner of rahmatan lil 'alamin. Anyone with him will be clever. Be educated! With that intelligence, in the end those who come and associate with him will like and willing to live life on this earth with the Shariah of Allah SWT with the sunna of the Prophet SAW as the foundation. Fair, tabayyun, tasamuh, and tawasut are basic nature instincts.
Introduction and calibration of NU
We have not learned from "what and who is NU" from childhood, but we live with our father Hazrat Sheikh Mohammad Nahrowi, QS, and also bertabarruk to kiai elders, among them to KH Ali Ma'shum, caretaker of Pondok Pesantren Al -munawwir, Krapyak, Yogyakarta, to KH Ahmadi from Pondok Pesantren Kencong, Pare, Kediri, also to KH Muhajir, Bendo, Kediri. Then tabarrukan also to KH Sheikh M. Salman Ad-Dahlawi, Popongan, Klaten. Together with him we know what Nahdlatul Ulama is.

So, in our opinion to introduce the people or the community, invite them to happy bersilaturahim and bertabarruk to salafussalihin scholars because the elder cleric is the heart of NU. When people are familiar and happy with them, they will automatically recognize and sympathize with their organization, NU. Especially in the activities of kaderisasi must dikhatami with bersilaturahim events to salafussholihin scholars. This is to strengthen the love and deepening of his introduction to ulama which will ultimately strengthen the sense of belonging (sense of belonging) to the organization Nahdlatul Ulama.

The importance of berjam'iyah
In the face of the chaos of life today where storms and waves of slander end times are increasingly fierce, both slander of life (fitnatu mahya) ie economic, social, political and so on, or fitnatun still dajjal; Religious matters, and the number of ulama suuk, let us save our families and ourselves by joining the sawadil a'dhom, (group of ulama min waratsatil ambiya ') that is this NU. Do not we live alone and separate from them. Because wolves do not prey unless the goats are separated from the entourage. This is where the importance of berjam'iyah, the importance to associate, to join in a line with the auliya, ulama and jama'ah Ahli sunnah wal Jama'ah.

We see Jam'iyah NU is a very noble gift from Allah SWT. Grace that fortifies the people from the scourge of the wheel that tends to destroy. Where the developments of the times that facilitate the fruits of the advancement of the science of technology, the acceleration of the flow of communication, and the contradictions of understanding flooded the minds of the people, NU continued to provide a consistent guard and careful caring in guiding people through all of them to achieve a dignified life And blessed by Allah SWT. And in it the pilgrims built by these kiai remain at ease carrying out their ubudiyah both personal and social humanity.

Finally, with the age that reaches almost a century, hopefully NU still istiqomah overshadow the people, more trained to face the challenges of the times, maintain the diversity and strengthen the sustainability of the Republic of Indonesia with his blessings ulama for the life of people who serene santosa.
Hopefully this little experience and reflection is useful. Amiin.
(Atabik Janka Dausat / Abdullah Alawi)

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