Chairman of GP Ansor: Indonesia is in accordance with Islamic Sharia - Unitary Republic of Indonesia was appropriate Islamic law, it is no longer needed for an Islamic state or Caliphate, said Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Chairman of the PP GP Ansor and Commander Banser NU, in the event Kongkow National regulation has CBOs and the threat of radicalism in Ciamis, West Java, on Thursday (3/8).

"Unitary Republic of Indonesia is the appropriate state Islamic law, as established by the scholars, such as Hadratussyekh KH Hasyim Ashari, KH Wahab Chasbullah, KH Bisri Syansuri, and others, as established by a cleric then surely accordance with Islamic sharia , Then there is no need any Islamic state or Khilafah, "said the man who is usually called Gus Yaqut it.

Because Indonesia was founded by ulama, then for NU people, especially NU santri students have an obligation to defend it.

"Indonesia is the legacy of the ancestors, the scholars and clerics-kyais us, then we shall defend, to the death, this martyrdom true and not as do the suicide bomber," said Gus Yaqut in a press statement as reported Between.

Related to the threat of radicalism, Gus Yaqut quoted the results of a Wahid Foundation survey in 2016 that found 11 million Indonesians ready to take radical action.

"Indonesia is an emergency radicalism, Wahid Foundation survey in 2016 reported there were 11 million people who are ready to undertake radical measures, this danger once," said the charismatic NU kiai's son, the late KH Cholil Bisri of Rembang, Central Java.

Gus Yaqut also affirmed the support of Ansor and Banser NU GPs at Perpmas Ormas. Perppu No. 2/2017 which likens as a rule that protects the house from the parties who want to destroy.

"The Perpmas of CSOs are like rules that prohibit those who damage our homes, Indonesia is our house together, can not be left there are parties who want to destroy," he said.

As Chairman of the Central Executive Ansor Youth Movement and the Supreme Commander of Banser NU, he asserts Ansor Youth and Banser NU supports regulation has CBOs and ready to defend the Homeland. (Red: Fathoni / NU Online)

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