Correction of Habib Rizieq's Lecture in Yemen - Yamin gave it the name: the Jakarta Charter. In a speech commemorating the Jakarta Charter on June 22, 1965, Sukarno called it: Jakarta Charter. Dr. Soekiman Wirjosandjojo gave her a cool term: Gentlement Agreement. I often hear that efforts to establish an Islamic State in Indonesia always bring up the Jakarta Charter. It is as if Indonesia now has a debt to establish an Islamic State, and has betrayed the original Pancasila, the Jakarta Charter.
In his lecture in front of a student of Al-Ahgaf Yemen, in the midst of his escape from Indonesia, Habib Rizieq carelessly categorizes Sukarno who wants the country to be secular (in the context of the Charter of the Jakarta Charter). On Youtube too you can easily see video lecture-which makes me hurt until now: "Pancasila Sukarno sila first in the ass!"
Is it true that Sukarno so hated the "divine principle"?
A small committee of nine people led by Sukarno depleted the brain for 21 days, and took a week during the BPUPKI trial, just to make a fuss about the first precepts that read: "Godhead with the obligation to enforce Islamic Shari'a for its adherents."
It was Johannes Latuharhary, a representative from Ambon, who protested the result. "This sentence can cause chaos, especially against other religions," recalls Latuharhary.
For the non-Muslim Indonesian community, according to Latuharhary, the sentence was discriminatory, and quite perceived as piercing the heart (later in the afternoon after the Proclamation was read by Sukarno, Kaigun [Japanese Navy controlling East Indonesia and Kalimantan] "threatened" Hatta East Indonesia Apart from the Republic of Indonesia Hatta if the first principle is still ratified]).
It must be admitted honestly that Sukarno himself refused to object to Latuharhary. Sukarno convinced the worries would not materialize in the future. Sukarno's attitude is supported Agus Salim and Wahid Hasyim Asyari.
Mr. Alex Maramis, the only non-Muslim in the Nine Committee who formulated the Jakarta Charter, did not mind at all. And AA. Maramis also signed on June 22.
"He (AA Maramis) does not feel that the determination is discrimination," Bung Hatta recalled.
Finally the Jakarta Charter was ratified as the "Preamble of the 1945 Constitution", and the characters agreed on the same sentence. And Sukarno himself, as chairman, endorsed it.
Is it true that Sukarno is secular (with a negative tendency, of course)?
Agus Salim in 1928 strongly criticized the European-style nationalism that exhausts the divinity in Fajar Indonesia. Spicy criticizing that understanding Agus Salim provides the most relevant alternative in Indonesia: religious nationalism. Toward the criticism, Sukarno skinned out Western nationalism in Suluh Indonesia:
"Our nationalism is the nationalism that makes us the tools of God, and makes us live in the spirit," [Sukarno, 12 August 1928]
Until June 1, 1945 he proposed the Pancasila proposal, Sukarno did not waver with his idea: the nationalism of the Godhead!
If Habib Rizieq sees the founders of this nation a priori, especially because it does not support the Jakarta Charter (including the Islamic State and the application of Islamic Sharia), it is better to look at Soepomo.
Soepomo's rejection of the Islamic State in Indonesia did not necessarily make him reject the idea of divinity in the state. For him, "an Indonesian state based on the noble ideals of Islam" is more applicable in Indonesia than the "Islamic State". He hopes this country has morality and virtue, as Islam teaches it to all humans.
For some, when a country is unconcerned with customs, more than not respecting the teachings of religion (Islam), its impact on the constitutional system is as exemplified by Nazi-ism (Adolf Hitler's fascist nationalism). This is where the right-wing Muslim approach (such as the FPI, and perhaps Habib Rizieq himself) that establishing the state on the basis of Islam is the ideal answer if it does not want to have a fascist state like Germany in Hitler's time.
Without religious guidance, people will be wild. Public order will be disturbed, and social justice is certainly difficult to materialize. This is why many are expecting Islamic Sharia to be the basis of the state.
One who had that thought, in the context of the Jakarta Charter of that time, was Ki Bagus Hadikusumo (next to Natsir). He is known to be the first hard-working fighter of the Jakarta Charter. He even suggested that the phrase "for his followers" be deleted to be: the Deity with the obligation to observe the Shari'a of Islam.
There is an effort of this country based on divinity and the people of Indonesia are required to run the Islamic Shari'a. Obviously, Sukarno strongly refused!
In his speech, Sukarno said:
"Brethren, I ask: do we want to establish an independent Indonesia for one person, for a group?"
If anyone thinks that the Jakarta Charter is the pretext of the application of Islamic Sharia in Indonesia, it is better to be advised to read history. Because the originator of the Jakarta Charter (although in the end seven words in the first precept are removed) has no thought as narrow as he is. []
Rumail Abbas, GusDurian Jepara, Coastal Cultural Researcher at Kartini Home Foundation, resides in: @Stakof
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