Alhamdulillah, Khamim Naik Haji Walk from Pekalongan Has Arrived in Mecca
The intention and sincerity of Mochammad Khamim Setiawan (28) to accomplish the pilgrimage taken on foot from Pekalongan to the Holy Land was not in vain.
Khamim youth Bachelor of Economics from the State University of Semarang was Hajj pilgrimage taken by foot leaving from his hometown in Wonopringgo, Pekalongan District on 28 August 2016 ago. Of course he passed through several countries on foot, no matter how hot or rainy.
Sometimes he had to rest in the mosque, stay at the house of the person he met, or even spend the night in the forest in various countries.
On May 19, 2017, he has arrived in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. With Bismillah's intention he embarked on the journey to cover a distance of about 9,000 kilometers. In accordance with the Indonesian calendar, Idul Adha Day coincides on September 1, 2017.
Khamim targeted to arrive in Mecca on 30 August 2017 or before Wukuf. Which means that Khamim walked for 1 year for the pilgrimage to travel 9 thousand kilometers and across many countries.
Apparently the fact is, he is faster to reach the city of Mecca than calculated.
In a post on facebook, Thursday, July 27, 2017 he took pictures with the background of the Ka'bah in the Grand Mosque. He was wearing an ihram cloth.
Written this way: Muhammad Khamim (28), young man from Wonopringgo, Pekalongan District who walked from Pekalongan to Mecca for months, alhamdulillah he had reached Mecca to perform the pilgrimage.
Syaufani Solichin (73), father of Khamim when found some time ago said, during the trip, Khamim often fasting Dawud is a day fasting a day is not fasting.
At the beginning of departure Khamim accompanied his two colleagues. But once in Tegal regency, his two friends surrendered and did not continue the journey. It is only Khamim who can really come to Mecca, as his initial intentions.
His fasting condition made him walk only at night. In good physical condition, he can travel along 50 kilometers, and only about 15 kilometers if his legs feel tired.
During the journey from Pekalongan Central Java to the Holy Land suffered pain twice. That is when in Malaysia and India.
He does not take any special supplements, but a mixture of water and honey to increase his endurance from weather changes in the countries he passes.
The supplies that Khamim brings are t-shirts and pants, two pairs of shoes, socks, underwear, sleeping bags and tents, lights, smart phones and GPS
All the gear is inserted in a backpack outside which is attached an Indonesian mini flag, Red and White.
"I'm on my way to Mecca by foot" it's in his T-shirt.
Khamim's intention was to give a message to the people he met on the journey about his mission to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Mochammad Khamim Setiawan, though still a young man, is not a poor man. He has a growing business contractor. All that he left to carry out this mission.
He brought enough money during the trip.
"I have never begged, but I always meet people who give food and other supplies," Mochammad Khamim Setiawan was quoted as saying by Khaleej Times, a major media in the United Arab Emirates.
Khamim often spent the night in other religious houses of worship. It does not matter. And he admits to a good welcome and a very good tolerance.
Regent of Pekalongan, Asip Kholbihi feel proud of the spirit and sincerity of Mochammad Khamim who walked from Pekalonan to the Holy Land to perform the pilgrimage.
According to the Regent, Khamim's hajj trip is official or legal. Because all the permissions he completed and well equipped. Passport and visa are all complete.
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