Uncivilized!! Arabs Degrading Prophet Muhammad SAW

Uncivilized!! Arabs Degrading Prophet Muhammad SAW

Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - Since the first time set foot in Saudi Arabia in 2010, there are actually some things that are less comfortable and awkward. One of them is the use of the call "Ahmad" or "Muhammad" to other people or strangers who 'degrees' are considered inferior.

At the hotel, a Saudi supervisor often calls his Room Service clerk, who happens to be a non-Saudi by calling Ahmad or Muhammad with a snappy intonation. In the restaurants, too. Saudis often call reatoran servants with the call of Ahmad or Muhammad, and also with intonation which is uncomfortable to be heard. Snap and more.

Not just in the two sectors. This disrespectful (to me) call usage spreads in all sectors.

Why not use the word Akhi, Shadiqi, or what other greetings and calls other than using the name of the Majesty Sayyidina Rasulullah Muhammad saw? This question is sometimes like a time bomb that would be blown up in front of Saudis. In fact, some of the Saudi worshipers in Indonesia even fuss when I write sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam with the abbreviation saw. Disrespect the Prophet he said. Yes salaam ...

One time, it happened. At that time I invited my colleagues to eat at one of the typical Middle Eastern food restaurants. Next to me, there are 4 Saudis who are almost simultaneously coming.

They then called the restaurant waiter first to order food. "Ya Muhammad! Ta'al! O Muhammad, here!", One of them said with a loud tone. The waiter who from his face is known is a Bangladeshi man, approached with a flat expression. Maybe in his mind he was used to shouting.

They ordered 2 portions of food which was enough to eat 2 Saudis or 4 Indonesians like me.

"Well, it's time to detonate the time bomb", I mumble.
I then called the waiter. I do not use regular calls, let alone calls like Saudi people.

"Yes Abdalaziz! Ta'al!" Hi Abdul Aziz, here! ", I shouted.Ready the waiter was shocked but his face smiled as he approached me and my colleague.
It turned out that four Saudis beside me had stood up too. They first bombard me with questions and expressions of dislike.
"Why are you calling him (Abdulaziz) with the call of Abdulaziz? Abdulaziz is our grandfather who gave birth to this God-blessed king! You are brash to Indonesians!", He barked as he moved his Saudi hands when speaking.

I replied to them, "Then why did you call him (Muhammad's servant) with Muhammad's call?" Muhammad is a noble Prophet and Messenger, not only teaches Arabs about the beauty of Islam with his moral greatness to others as he teaches and preaches Islam for All mankind, so we who are far from the city of the birth of this blessed Messenger of God can go from the dark ages to the light of Islam!
They are still misuh-muhuh but intonasinya have started flat. I do not care, I order to eat to this waiter. She smiled broadly.

After the meal, we (me and my colleague and 4 Saudis) almost simultaneously left the restaurant. They are still misuh-misuh. Sayup sounded one of them saying, "They are poor people looking for life in Arabia."
I do not serve it, I press the remote car keys only. My partner and I went up. I open the window and put black glasses. I waved to them saying, "Assalamu'alaikum, May Allah give you sustenance to buy a new car".
From my rear view mirror they were stunned.

Maybe they just found out there was an arrogant foreigner who dared to brag them there.

It is also possible, as always, that if I tell about Saudi Arabia from the other side, some conclude that I am a Saudi haters. In fact, ah never mind. I already know their 'kelelakian' level.

* Car I ride Chevrolet Suburban manufacturer General Motors latest version at that time. While their cars are Japanese-made sedans with production year 7 years back.

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