Qunut Nazilah, Hizib Nasar and Shalawat Nariyah from NU To Pray for Palestine
Lately, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has come back. Israeli soldiers banned Muslims from Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque. Of course this invites a wave of protests. Some people died, both from Palestine and the Zionist army, because of that.
Such arbitrary acts, inviting world condemnation. Chairman of PBNU KH. Said Aqil Siradj condemned the Israeli actions and urged the Indonesian Government to take an active role in resolving the years of conflict. In addition, PBNU also instructed all Nahdliyin residents to echo Sholawat Nariyah and Hizib Nasr to pray for Palestinians from the actions of Israeli imperialism.
NU's commitment to support Palestinian independence is not a mere act of spontaneity. But this has been the official decision of the organization to reject all forms of colonization and support for Palestinian independence. In fact, such support, provided by Nahdlatul Ulama, long before Indonesia became independent.
On 19 Ramadlan 1957 H or coinciding on 12 November 1938, PBNU, under the leadership of KH. Machfud Shiddiq circulated the call to take a firm stand on what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinian people. Circular, sent to all parties and Islamic organizations in Indonesia at that time, as well as Muhammadiyah, PSII, Al-Irsyad and others.
In a circular issued a few moments after the culmination of the Islamic Natural Conference in Cairo, Egypt (7 October 1938), which rejected the establishment of the Israeli state in Palestine, also called for a "Palestinian Fond". The fund, to help the community there to ease the suffering.
However, the stirring of the NU decision at the time, is not the circular. However, PBNU instructions to all NU Branch Offices to hold Rajabiya Week and read Qunut Nazilah on each fardlu prayer.
Pekan Rajabiyah itself is an important week among Nahdlatul Ulama. In Rajab, in addition to commemorating Isra Mi'raj the Prophet Muhammad also commemorates the birthday of NU which falls exactly on 16 Rajab. In those days, it was instructed to also carry out solidarity actions aimed at the Palestinian fighters.
The instruction, received a strong response from the colonial government. On January 29, 1939, KH. Machfud Shiddiq as Chairman of PBNU is called by Regent or Bupati of Surabaya. He was ordered by the Hoofdparket or some sort of Attorney General, to cancel the Qunut Nazilah reading instruction and Rajabiyah Week.
Of course, the ban was ignored by NU residents. They keep reading the prayers of qunut in every Fardlu prayer, even though they have to be rid of them to avoid the colonial army. Such is the case with "Rajabiyah Week" still held in various places. In fact, at the time of the NU's 14th Congress in Magelang on July 16, 1939, it became the culmination of "Rajabiyah Week".
The criticism of the Dutch colonialists was ignored by NU. In fact, the stance of the NU, received support from other Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia. As indicated by H. Agoes Salim as Executive Board PSII Conscious of that period. He wrote a defense of NU's policy in Tjaja Timoer newspaper.
No wonder the Dutch felt threatened by NU instructions to perform the Qunut Nazilah reading. In addition to being a fellow colonizer with the British who gave birth to the birth of Israel, the Dutch were also afraid because of the prayer, could bring the spirit of resistance of the Indonesian people against the invaders.
At that time, Qunut Nazilah instructed by PBNU uniform. All NU Branch read it with the same editor. Thus translated Qunut Nazilah PBNU instruction at that time, as recorded by KH. Saifuddin Zuhri in his autobiography, Departing from Pesantren:
"O Allah, send down your curse to the enemies of our brother of the Palestinians who are fighting for their freedom. I curse the unbelievers who help our enemies, those who oppress our brothers, those who kill the Palestinian fighters and those who block our struggle, those who seek to quell our religious light, break their unity, shake All their plans and their unanimity, send down to them your punishment which they can not ward off, for they are made up of rebellious and wicked people.
Oh God, help us and the fighters of the Palestinian people, eliminate their suffering, and strengthen their struggle. May keep prosperous beloved Prophet Muhammad, all his family and friends tolan. "
Let us pray again, may our brothers in Palestine soon live peacefully, apart from all forms of tyranny, more so than Zionist imperialism. Amen
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