KH Maimoen Zubair: In Java Many Kiai, Because Many Prophets of the Prophet are not Bernasab

KH Maimoen Zubair: In Java Many Kiai, Because Many Prophets of the Prophet are not Bernasab - Haul & Haflah Endussanah Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo and Madrasah Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien 2017 Friday (05/05) yesterday, attended by KH. Maimun Zubair, an elderly kiai Ponpes Al-Anwar, Sarang Rembang Central Java. He was present to give spiritual splashes for the audience. As well as he came as alumni. Here are some quotes from his maqolah on the evening:

"Sometimes wong Islam iku changed not kroso, kabeh katut opo zamane."
Sometimes, converted Muslims do not feel. They were all swept away by the flow of the times.

"Elek neat seko Allah, sing ngatur yo Allah."
All good comes from God. All that governs everything is God.

"Wong sing tawakkal warning God tenan, God sing enough."
The man who resigned, entrusted himself to God solemnly, Allah is the one who will suffice his condition.

"Wong sing slamet iku wong sing netepi aksie kanjeng Prophet, lan sohabat-sohabate."
Survivors are those who firmly practice what the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions have done.

"Jowo okeh kiaine mergo katah downane kanjeng Prophet sing ora nasab."
In Java there are many kiai, because many descendants of the Prophet. That is not nakab.

"Allah ndamel kedhidupan wong Islam saben years changed. Jenenge mujadid. Ngurip-ngurip salaf madhhab, but not to the contrary with today. "
God changes the life of Muslims every year. That is called mujaddid (renewal). A Muslim must live a salaf (ancient) school, but do not contradict today.

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