PBNU: It is time for the united World to Save Palestine

Themoderatemuslims.blogspot.co.id - Heating conditions due to sealing and banning worship activities to Muslims in the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex sparked criticism and reaction from various parties. One of them is Secretary General of PBNU HA. Helmy Faishal Zaini.

Helmy said that the conflict that occurred at the Al-Aqsa Mosque is actually a very heartbreaking humanitarian tragedy. In that tragedy the true right of worship is the basic thing of every human being, restrained and intervened. This is what he thinks is very contrary to the principle, rights, and at the same time a sense of humanity.

Because what happens is a humanitarian tragedy, Helmy adds, the responsibility for overcoming and finding solutions to the tragedy is a shared responsibility.

The issue of Palestine, he added, should be put as a humanitarian tragedy, so this is not solely a problem that Muslims should bear alone. Then it is time for the united world to save Palestine.

"All components and entities of the world must put this Palestinian issue as the problem and responsibility of all parties," said Helmy, Wednesday (26/7).

In relation to the conflict in Palestine, at the 33rd NU Congress in Jombang in 2015 the recommendations commission specifically formulated some recommendations of concrete steps to be taken by relevant parties, both the NU, the Government, and international organizations such as the OIC and the UN.

As stated in the recommendation, the attitude of the NU in this matter strongly supports the independence of Palestine.

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