He said Demonstrators 287 Will Bring 1000 Red Flag Putih Because Indonesia Love, It Turns out lying

He said Demonstrators 287 Will Bring 1000 Red Flag Putih Because Indonesia Love, It Turns out lying

Jakarta - Not many visible red and white flags that were brought by participants of Action 287 on Friday (28/07/2017). Precisely in the action rejects Perppu No. 2 of 2017 on Social Organizations (Ormas) is more dominant Black flag seen flying.

Of monitoring, only about dozens of red and white flags are carried by the participants of the action. Lost far compared to hundreds of HTI flags with a black background.

A number of participants even carrying a large HTI flag that is also used as a head covering.
In addition, in this action there is a lack of coordination among the participants of the action so that the masses are not moving along as they head to the Constitutional Court.

Earlier, Alumni Field Activity Coordinator 212, Haji Daud, in a press conference at Al Ittihad Mosque, Tebet, Jakarta, Thursday (27/7/2017) claimed that in Action 287 participants will bring 1,000 white mereh flags as a sign of their love of Indonesia.

"We show the Indonesian people that the presidium is very much in love with Indonesia," Haji Daud said at the time.

Mass Action 287 will move to the Constitutional Court building to give their aspirations and escort a number of mass organizations that will file a test of the matter of the Public Order Regulation to the Constitutional Court.

MK spokesperson Fajar Laksono admitted respecting the action participants or anyone who would convey their aspirations to the Constitutional Court.

"But certainly, the attitude of the Constitutional Court in accordance and in the corridor of its constitutional authority, should not be more," said Dawn in Building MK Jakarta, Friday (28/07/2017)

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