Gus Mus: Moderate Muslims Should Appear to the Stage - Just before dawn I arrived at Pondok Pesantren Raudlatut Thalibin, Leteh, Rembang. Seeing the cottage wall was enough to make my heart rippled. Trembling, my mind focused on a figure I was about to sowani: Kiai Haji Ahmad Mustofa Bisri, familiarly called Gus Mus; Caretaker of this pesantren, a culturalist, poet, painter, and Rais Aam of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board 2014-2015.
Before meeting the kiai, I joined the dawn prayers with the santri. In front of the taps, the young santri were still cloakily drowsily washing their faces. To a rather large santri, I asked,
"Is Gus Mus at home?"
He nodded. He said Gus Mus had just come home at 3 AM this morning.
"Already on an appointment?"
"If you've made a pledge, definitely meet. He always keeps his promise. "
The Fajr prayer was not led by Gus Mus. After the prayer, I was escorted to the second floor of the cottage, into a small room with a green carpet. The introduction then invited me to wait there until the call from Gus Mus came.
The call came almost 9 am, jolting me from an accidental sleep. Santri who delivered the message said, Gus Mus will be ready in half an hour. I hastily searched for a ride to take a bath.
At 10 o'clock I was summoned and taken to a large green living room. The floor was covered with thick carpets. Snacks for guests lined up. In addition to a number of photographs and calligraphy on the walls, there was a long rack in the room displaying rows of books and books. Gus Mus is not in the room yet.
Not long afterwards the big tall figure came out of the door in the middle of the long shelves. He was gloved and white-eyed, a smile on his calm face. Suddenly I stood up and kissed my hand, then sat back in front of him within a distance of about three meters.
"I went home last morning and then watch the ball, so it was dawn after that replace the sleep debt. Not good unpaid debt, "Gus Mus immediately opened a chat with a joke.
I laugh. "Yes, Mbah Yai."
"Let's drink coffee, just smoke ndak papa. I just quit smoking. "
The atmosphere is getting more fluid. I also burned a cigarette.
Without the need to be asked, he began to tell me many things that I really want to hear directly from him all this time. One of them about the story of his teenage years when told to stop moth in Pondok Pesantren Lirboyo by his father, Kiai Haji Bisri Mutofa.
How is the son of a kiai the owner of the cottage is told to stop mumpok, this is how he sat down.
When I was queuing at Lirboyo, I happened to be close friendship with Gus Miek, Gus Miek that's gusnya there, Gus Mus story opened the story.
Gus Miek is indeed a unique behavior from the first. Pas lesson, he came to the class through the window, invited me to walk. Up onel. Once I ride ontel with Gus Miek from Lirboyo to Kertosono, without wearing clothes.
He laughed as he told this part. For the size of traveling by bike as far as 30 kilometers without wearing clothes, it includes a pretty unique kebangetan.
Gus Mus continues: it's really like this crazy guy we are. One day, during the holiday cottage, I came back here, Rembang. Long hair, wearing clothing and trousers like Javanese swordsman, and the clogs are made from wood with a tire fitted inside.
Up in the yard, I saw that I came with such a style, immediately called Mother. "Mom, Mom, here to, your son muleh, sawangen (your son comes home, look at)." My mother emerged from the inside and was surprised to see my appearance. Said my abah, "This is your son, wes dadi wali (already a guardian)."
When the holiday is up, I am not allowed back to Lirboyo with Abah. Some time later, a messenger from Lirboyo asked me why I did not return to the cabin. Abah replied, "Yeah, I did not let him go back to Lirboyo."
"Why, Pak Yai?"
"I want him to be a kiai, to continue me later. This is even a wali lo. Kan can lose my prestige, if the children themselves become guardians .... "
Gus Mus chuckles off for a long time in this section.
Gus Miek in question is Hamim Tohari Djazuli, four years older than Gus Mus. Son of Kiai Haji Ahmad Djazuli Uthman, leader of Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School, Ploso, Kediri, was entrusted by his father to Kiai Haji Mahrus Aly to study at Lirboyo. Basically nyeleneh, he only lasted for 16 days in Lirboyo, then returned to Ploso.
After the "guardian" incident, Gus Mus sent his father to Yogya for lodge at Pondok Pesantren Ali Maksum, Krapyak, who was raised by Kiai Haji Ali Maksum.
According to Gus Mus, Kiai Ali is known for his santri as a kiai. It has a lot of rice fields and extensive gardens.
One night, I was with friends of santri whispering about Mbah Ali sugarcane crops ready for harvest, Gus Mus told me again. We then agreed to steal some sticks to be snack. Disesepi lah, that would be nice, so we thought that night.
Slowly we move from the cottage. The exit door had to pass through Mbah Ali's house. Suddenly the voice of Mbah Ali was heard calling me from inside his house. Our spontaneous shaking. I was called yes by sendika dawuh with duck. In addition to hesitations, especially excited deg-degan feel guilty about stealing the tebunya.
I was invited to sit in the living room of his house. Mbah Ali then said, "Mus, that's behind there are a few stalks of sugar cane just taken from the fields. I deliberately choose the good ones .... "
Mbah Ali's speech increasingly makes me tremble. Lucky not to piss in the sarong.
"There you take, yes."
"Injuries, Mbah Yai ...."
I also took the back of the cane-sugar cane that has been tied neatly. Fit in the yard, heard the voice of Mbah Ali again. "Mus, it's his friends divided ya cane-tebunya. Poor, they want the cane .... "
Gus Mus laughed again very loudly.
In addition to telling the ridiculous stories of his youth, Gus Muh also commented on the current issue of Muslims. Especially Islamic teachings are becoming increasingly shallow.
"That's yes, pay attention," he said, "Ustadz-ustadz tivi that was where his nga was? Whose the same nyantr? Sanad science how, is not clear. All of a sudden they appear on TVs, give speeches, listen to thousands of other lay people, the general public. They are handsome, dandy, their clothes are alluring, the way they speak are stunning, it is natural to be heard.
"But yes, the contents of his lectures tend to be shallow-shallow," he continued. "It is as easy as they interpret the verse, the hadith, then conclude the law like this and so. As if sufficient capital Koran translation Kemenag, finished all affairs interpretation of the Koran. Ha ha ha."
This time I raised my voice. "Is not it better, Mbah Yai, if more and more people appear to be so preachers?"
"Good, but complicated. Good if the material lectures are quality. For me, the size of the quality is simple: invites people to love, affection, brotherhood, because Islam is the core of morality karimah, the purpose rahmatan lil 'alamin. The verse of da'wah clearly calls us to hasanah, goodness. Good in its content, both in its delivery.
"The reality is upside down. The more ustadz-ustadz celebrity, it's even more complicated even our Islamic life. Mistake-blame, pervert-mislead, disbelieve-disbelieve. Man kok mengafirkan different people, that's ya screwed to. Human beings alone, do not take over the absolute right of Gusti Allah to. "
He invited me to take a snack in a tin of Khong Guan which is not tumben tenggenang, but cassava chips.
"Then how is the solution, Mbah Yai?"
"These moderate Muslims have to go on stage. Through writing or lecture. Do not shut up anymore. Silence no longer helps anything in this increasingly worrying situation. You yourself, what have you done? "
Mak tratap I heard the question.
"Here, Mbah Yai, I am writing this book." I submit to him a book.
"Well, sign the dalulah."
Byuh, I'm freaking out. But, I do also titahnya.
"Great. No matter how small, you have to do something. If you're a writer then keep on writing, spread that friendly, cool, and morally curious Islam. "
I nodded. Speechless. After my writing still so-so wrote.
"The key word in my opinion is simple. This you can hold or anyone. If there is an ustadz, a kiai, a teacher, or anyone who sprinkles a hard, angry, insulting, ngafirin, face to Islam, it should not be followed. Islam itself does not mean salvation, peace, it is not, it does not make sense. "
Apart from that, Gus Muh still tells a lot, unique and ridiculous. Including the story about college to Egypt without a diploma and a period of gathering with Gus Dur there.
Toward Zuhur I say good-bye. Do not want to spend more time with Gus Mus, but because you have to know yourself. Anyway, I'm really hungry. From morning have not breakfast. If I keep talking, when will I eat it? As soon as my inner mumbling.
Suddenly Gus Mus said, "That's eating first, you're already hungry. It's in the back, already prepared. "
Duh iyung! My heart instantly boomed. Mak tratap. I just ducked my head as I passed it to the long table behind the bookshelves lined with rice and side dishes.
I also ate with gusto. While pressing deeply, do not think anything, do not ....
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