Ketum PBNU Awarded Keris Sepuh Kuno from Tosan Aji Jayakarta - Chairman of PBNU KH Said Aqil Siroj get prize kris Kiai Radia Binangkit from Tosan Aji Jayakarta community submitted Ketut Mas Agung in building PBNU, Jakarta, Friday (28/7) on Cultural Silaturahim themed "Strengthening Culture, Strengthening the Unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia "Which was held Lesbumi PBNU.
According to one of the organizers, Donny Satryowibowo, the kris is a thirteen-story Cirebon-style berlin. The name Kiai Radia Binangkit means the dynamics of the rotation of the rising world.
On the kris there is a globe like the symbol of Nahdlatul Ulama. It is like the NU that always rise up and always rise through the cultural path.
In the gathering, Lesbumi also showcased 99 kris from various regions with various colors and shapes. With the exhibition, said Donny, Lesbumi wants to bring back public awareness about the love of the homeland. It is closely related to the history of the Indonesian struggle that can not be separated from tosan aji including kris.
"So this time we're talking culture, and we're going to bring back the awareness of Indonesian-ness, kenusantaraan, the root as a culture, and the tree as a nation, how can we expect this great tree if its roots are not fertile?" Donny explained.
He added that the history of Indonesia's struggle can not be separated from tosan aji, perkerisan. From the days before Wali Songo, Prince Diponegoro, even to modern times in the era of Panglima Sudirman, associated with the dagger. (Abdullah Alawi / NU Online)
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