Carrying the Bodies, Where's the Head of the Bodies?

Carrying the Bodies, Where's the Head of the Bodies?

Carrying the Bodies, Where's the Head of the Bodies?

When the corpse is buried for burial it is recommended that the head of the corpse be in front. As the explanation of Shaykh Ibn Qudamah who quotes from some scholars of the school:
وصفة التربيع المسنون أن يبدأ فيضع قائمة السرير اليسرى على كتفه اليمنى, من عند رأس الميت, ... وبهذا قال أبو حنيفة والشافعي
The form of Tarbi '(the formation of 4 persons carrying the corpse) is disunnahkan is to start the left coffin / coffin is placed on the right shoulder, from the head of the dead ... This is the opinion of Abu Hanifa and Shafi'i (Al-Mughni 2/357)

Also described by Shaykh Abd Hamid Asy-Syarwani:
السنة في وضع رأس الميت في حال السير أن يكون إلى جهة الطريق سواء القبلة وغيرها
Sunnah put the head of the dead on the way to lead to the road (front), either facing the Qiblah or not (Hawasyai Syarwani Ala Tuhfah 3/110)

Ustadz Ma'ruf Khozin

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