Establishment of SMP IT Wahabi in Sidoarjo Rejected Hundreds of Citizens - Hundreds of residents from Sumber Rejo village, Wonoayu sub-district, Sidoarjo regency, East Java, rejected the plan to establish the First Islamic Integrated Islamic School (SMP IT) which will be managed by Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Attoyyibah Nurul Fikri. The reason for the rejection is because the foundation has contradictory teachings With the ideology of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Wahabi), where the ideology is shared by the local people because it is based on Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).
"We absolutely reject Nurul Fikri's school and its aqidah is not the same as Nahdlatul Ulama," said MWCNU Wonoayu Chairman Arif Ja'far in his statement on Tuesday (18/7/2017) yesterday.
He asserted that there could be no two ideologies in the same area.
"However, if in one village there are two ideologies that are scattered, long term or short term there will be social conflict," he said.
This debate was also discussed in Sumber Rejo balaidesa, both counter and pro against the SMP IT thread is arguing with each other. However, this rejection was escorted directly by the team Banser Sidoarjo to strive for no more severe dispute.
However, the Chairman of the Foundation Attoiyibah Nurul Fikri Sidoarjo, Saikhul Arifin denied if the foundation he managed did not have a notion that contrary to the NU ideology.
Only with the action of the rejection, he stated if it accepted and will not establish SMP IT in the region. [Bs]
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