Pasuruan Regent Asked PNS Indicated HTI Soon Repent

Pasuruan Regent Asked PNS Indicated HTI Soon Repent

Regent of Pasuruan Irsyad Yusuf called on all civil servants in the District Government (Pemkab) Pasuruan indicated to be involved in organizations opposed Pancasila, immediately repent.

It was delivered on the sidelines of taking the oath of office and the inauguration of 188 officials in Pendopo Nyawiji Ngesthi Wenganing Gusti, Pasuruan, Friday (28/07/2017).

"I ask for immediate conversion, back to the right path, again recognizing Pancasila and NKRI," said Irsyad Yusuf.

It claimed to continue to monitor and supervise both through the heads of the Organization of Regional Devices (OPD), especially Bakesbangpol against ASN which is indicated to be involved in Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

"But it still does not exist, if there are indications that there will be coaching," added the man who is familiarly called Gus Irsyad.

It also received input from many circles about the existence of ASN indicated to be involved in mass organizations that oppose Pancasila. Including information on the existence of ASN who are reluctant to respect the Red and White flag for reasons unlawful.

"Those who are like that will be nurtured first, but for now there are still no reports coming from elements of society I ask if anyone knows like that, immediately report and will be taken firm action," he said.

While 188 officers inaugurated and taken oath are 2 Echelon II officials (Official Supreme Leader), 26 Echelon III officials (Administrator) and 160 Echelon IV officials (Supervisor of State Civil Apparatus).

Gus Irsyad said the inauguration was in order to adjust the rules, also to provide refresher and fill vacant positions, especially on the positions of Administrators and Supervisors of ASN.

"Every 3 months, all officials will be evaluated, with the expectation that there will be value or achievement score that leads to the progress or pullback of innovation and performance of all SKPD or the scope below," he explained.

Together with Baperjakat, he will continue to spur all agencies down the line, in order to continue pumping himself for much better.

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