Why Wukuf in Arafat? Not Another Place, this is a Wisdom
Why Wuquf in 'Arafat?
Why not in Mina?
Why not at Muzdalifah?
Why not in front of the Ka'bah?
This is not just a plot of land to gather millions of people.
This is the great philosophy of consciousness
The Wuquf paused; It was a pause in a glorious four-month series (Dhu al-Qa'dah, Dzulhijjah, Muharram and Rajab)
'Arafat is a place to know to fetch self-awareness
Wuquf in 'Arafah is an ikhtiyar interpret pause in life in order to fetch ma'rifah. Ma'rifat is the highest maqam on the way to know God.
Therefore Wuquf requires an i'tirâf attitude. I'tirâf is an acknowledgment of mistakes, insubordination by command, betrayal of the role of servanthood and caliphate, the utterance of the race, the violation of the spirit of humanity.
'Arafat gathers millions of people. That means there are millions of diversity that must be recognized. Understanding of differences must begin from Ta'arruf. Ta'arruf is ikhtiyar recognize each other, not pride to be known. Ta'arruf is mutualisme a role that actively introduces each other so that no claims that bring ego feel the most right.
The Wuquf process in 'Arafat is the most sublime (seek-seeking) in knowing God. A personal worship in the midst of universal human society. This is called the Irfâni process. 'Irfan is the culmination of knowledge, in which the role of man is entirely subordinate to God's omnipotence. He who chooses whom the slave is allowed to receive the "revelation" of consciousness. Even Moses 'alaihissalam must undergo learning to the Shâlih servant first given' Irfân; He is the hidden Khidir.
Someone who succeeded in picking up consciousness in 'Arafat is called al-'Arif billâh; He has known God. Al-'Arif billâh is the highest maqam in tasawwuf, the one who is Ma'rifat. Characteristically, he senses two main properties; Courage and tranquility, lâ khaifun 'alaihim wa lâ hum yahzanûn.
The behavior of al-'Arif billâh is covered by the ocean of virtue, full of sincerity in serving life, selflessly charitable, loaded with works of manifestation. Religion refers to this behavior with Ma'rûf; An appropriate and easily recognizable behavior. His speech is spoken, his work sowing benefit, the end of his life is always remembered.
'Arafat is a process of i'tirâf that berta'arruf in the medium' Irfan that deliver it to maqam al'Ârif billâh which produces ma'rûf behavior in life lived.
But, did the process finish up here?
Not at all. Berwuquf is like Islam. He has not finished just by perfecting the pillars of Islam. Islam is the attitude of life full of peace, tenderness, peace and salvation that must be preserved until death comes.
The culprit is called Muslim. This means that people who are Muslims can also be interpreted the perpetrators of peace. The letters sin, lam, mima (salima) a root that forms the word salâm (peace), Islam (peace), istislâm (peacemaker), and taslîm (submission, resignation, and tranquility). Salâm is peace and submission in a more general sense. Islâm is peace and submission in a more specific sense, having a set of conceptions of values and norms. Istislâm is a call for peace and resignation that is faster, firm, rigid and perfect.
Supposedly a Muslim (person who is Muslim) it promotes peace, submission, resignation and ultimately feel the tranquility of the birth and the inner.
Certainly it would be contradictory if the Islamic flags were brought to something that caused the birth of chaos, hatred and discomfort. What else if on behalf of Islam is used to air the lives of innocent people, is not worth the word Islam itself.
I think we should be more meaningful of Islam in its inclusive-substantive nature, so that the call of peace we often voice will be easier to realize. And Insyâ Allah All these noble ideas have already begun by those of us who long for peace, whether they are haji or not. Especially for my brother who is soon berwuquf in 'Arafah because after Wuquf ma'rûf behavior will initiate their environment to compete in virtue.
Fastabiqul khairât 😇
QS 2/148: "And for every people there is his own qibla which he confronts to him, so compete (in making) good wherever you are, Allah will gather you all (on the Day of Judgment). Allah Almighty over all things. "
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